您現(xiàn)在所在的位置:首頁(yè)--DL-10型 電機(jī)老化測(cè)試機(jī)

DL-10型 電機(jī)老化測(cè)試機(jī)


DL-10 Motor Aging Machine


本機(jī)適用于起動(dòng)電機(jī)整機(jī)的碳刷換向器旋轉(zhuǎn)老化磨合及測(cè)試的專(zhuān)用設(shè)備?蓪(duì)它勵(lì)或串勵(lì)直流電機(jī)進(jìn)行老化,可同時(shí)最多10個(gè)電機(jī)。設(shè)置多段電壓、老化時(shí)間,它勵(lì)串勵(lì)切換開(kāi)關(guān),正反轉(zhuǎn)切換開(kāi)關(guān)。各電機(jī)獨(dú)立電樞、勵(lì)磁電壓電流檢測(cè),轉(zhuǎn)速檢測(cè),溫度 測(cè)。各電機(jī)獨(dú)立開(kāi)關(guān)。


This machine is the special equipment suitable for rotary aging running of carbon brush and commutator of starting motor and has test function.It can age excitation or series-excited DC motors, and can simultaneous aging up to 10 motors. This machine can set multi-segment voltage and aging time.  This machine uses excitation and series switch, positive and negative switch.It can test independent armature and excitation of voltage and current detection of each motor, speed detection, temperature detection. Each motor is independently switched.

技術(shù)參數(shù)/Technicai Parameters

電樞電源Armature power supply AC380V  55kVA 

勵(lì)磁電源1 Excitation power supply

AC220V  3kVA

勵(lì)磁電源2Excitation power supply

AC220V  1kVA

控制電源Control power supply

AC220V  1kVA

電樞電源輸出Armature power supply output

DC110V  500A

勵(lì)磁電源1輸出Excitation power supply output

DC50V   60A 

勵(lì)磁電源2輸出Excitation power supply output

DC30V   60A



    特殊規(guī)格可定制Special specifications can be customized

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